How Does God Want Me to Use My Money?

God cares about how we use our money.

He cares so much that He left financial principles in His Word to show us how to use our money in a way that honors Him and makes the most out of the money we’re given.

Let’s dive into the financial advice the Bible has to offer by investigating:

Let’s start by understanding how money was used in the Bible.

Bible verses on using money wisely:

  • Honor God: Deuteronomy 8:18; Proverbs 3:9.
  • Pay tithe: Malachi 3:10; Leviticus 27:32.
  • Give offerings: 2 Corinthians 9:7; Acts 20:35.
  • Care for those in need: Matthew 6:3-4; Acts 4:34-35.
  • Care for your family: Proverbs 13:22; 1 Timothy 5:8.
  • Pay off your debts: Romans 13:7-8; Psalm 37:21
  • Save and invest it: Luke 14:28-30; Proverbs 6: 6-8; Matthew 25:14-27.

Was money used differently in Bible times?

Money in Bible times was used much the same as it is today.

People used money to buy what they needed and support their families (Genesis 42:1-3; Lamentations 5:4). It was also used to pay workers, pay taxes, buy comforts and pleasures, and support those in need.1

People back then had to make similar financial decisions. They had to figure out where they would spend money, how they would save and invest it, and how they could provide for their families and avoid getting into debt.

That being said, there are a couple of differences between the financial context of the Bible and today.

The people in Bible times:

  • Didn’t always use coins: Goods and services were often traded and exchanged instead of bought (James 4:13-15).
  • Lived in an agricultural society: Because so many people in this time were farmers and shepherds, crops and livestock were valued assets and were often used as a form of payment ( Leviticus 27:30-32; Genesis 13:2).
  • Focused more on survival than comfort:2 Before the industrial era, work was more time-consuming and labor-intensive. The lack of mass production made products more expensive. People were also so busy working that they had little time and money for comforts and entertainment.
  • Had more incentives to stay away from debt: While people could still accrue debt, it wasn’t encouraged like the credit score systems of today. There were also harsher punishments for debt during this time, with debtors going to debtors’ prisons or becoming slaves until they paid off their debt (Matthew 18:23-25; Proverbs 22:7).3

While these are some key differences between their time and ours, money was—and still is—an important part of society.

And earning it is only the first step. Once we earn it we have to decide how we’re going to use it.

So how can we best use our money?

How should we save and invest? How do we provide for our families and those in need? And how do we deal with debt?

Let’s see what advice the Bible gives regarding these questions.

How does the Bible advise us to make financial decisions?

The Bible advises us to make financial decisions carefully, doing our best to make the most of the money God has given us.

It doesn’t give specific instructions, but rather, gives us timeless principles that anyone can apply to their lives.

God made these principles because He cares about the way we use our money.

This isn’t so much because God is concerned with our finances, but more because He is concerned with the condition of our hearts, and how we use our money may give us insight into whether or not we are being greedy or selfish.

Money is a tool, and it can be used for good or evil. When we use it for good by:

  • taking care of our needs
  • taking care of the needs of others
  • supporting helpful organizations, businesses, and ministries, etc.

Then we are being responsible with the money God has given us.

When we misuse the money we’re given we might be missing an opportunity to make a difference in the life of someone else.

That’s why God’s Word teaches us to be mindful about using money and shows us how we should prioritize certain financial responsibilities.

And who better to teach us about how we can manage our money than God?

He’s the one who gives money to us in the first place (Psalm 24:1; Romans 11:36). He’s the one who gives us the resources, talents, and time we need to earn money and make a living.

In fact, the Bible helps us understand that money doesn’t just come from our Heavenly Father. It belongs to Him. Whatever we earn comes from Him and is for us to use and care for.

So let’s see what guidance His Scripture has to offer about:

  • Tithe
  • Offerings
  • Providing for ourselves and others
  • Debt
  • Saving & investing

Please note: The advice in this article isn’t meant to replace professional financial counseling. Though this information may be helpful, we recommend seeking out financial professionals for further guidance.


The Bible calls us to give 10% of our income back to God.

In the Old Testament, the original Hebrew translation refers to this as “a tenth,” which has since been translated into the English word, “tithe.”4

In Bible times, the Israelites gave tithe by giving 10% of their crops to support the priests and Levites, the people God had chosen to minister to the Israelites and bring them closer to Him (Leviticus 27:32; Deuteronomy 14:28-29).

This tithe was taken from the first fruits of their crops, a principle which guided them to first give their tithe to God before doing anything else with their earnings (Proverbs 3:9).

In the Adventist Church, we follow the tithing principle of first fruits by setting aside 10% of our gross income for tithe as soon as we get our paycheck. This sum goes to the Church to support Church leaders, our modern-day equivalent of God’s ministers.

You might notice there are some differences between the way people give tithe today and the way God’s people kept tithe back then. But this doesn’t mean tithe was only for the Jews. Not by a long shot!

God’s word tells us tithe was kept long before the people of Israel. Abraham did it (Hebrews 7:4). So did Jacob (Genesis 28:20-22).

It was even observed in the New Testament, with Jesus and Paul calling Christians to give tithe (1 Corinthians 9:13–14; Matthew 23:23) (Jesus even says His people should focus on developing a Christ-like character first, but should not neglect to give tithe also).

But what’s the big deal about tithe, anyway?

Well, it all goes back to the idea that God owns our money. When we tithe, we’re just returning 10% of the money God gave us to begin with. That’s kind of like if someone gave you $100 and only asked for you to give them $10 back. It wouldn’t be so hard for you to give back $10 to the person that already gave you so much, would it?

But why even have this exchange? Why doesn’t God just give us the $90 and keep the $10 for Himself?

It comes down to the idea that giving changes who we are.

When we give in faith we grow spiritually. We start depending less on money and more on God. In giving, we acknowledge who our money comes from and who we can really depend on.

The Bible says:

“ ‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,’Says the Lord of hosts,‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’ ” (Malachi 3:10, NKJV).

This verse reassures us that tithing doesn’t result in us having less–like we would assume. Rather, our spirit of giving opens up our hearts to receive abundant blessings from God.

Giving tithe also gives us the chance to get involved in God’s mission and demonstrate our desire to put God first in our lives.

In the Adventist Church, this money is typically used to support pastors, conference administrative staff, evangelistic projects, and member ministries.

But tithe isn’t the only way you can support God’s mission.

You can also support it by giving offerings.


Like tithe, offerings are donations given to the Church. However, unlike tithe, there isn’t any specific amount people are called to give. And there isn’t any special time it’s supposed to be given.

In the Bible, people would gather offerings to honor God, to help others, and support to God’s ministry.5

They were asked to give freely as they were called by the Holy Spirit.

In the same way, we can give whatever and whenever we feel impressed to give. We can give offerings to the Church and to other ministries and nonprofits that help people in need.

Offerings, like tithe, are another way we show God we trust Him to take care of us and make the most out of the money we have—even if we don’t have very much.

In the Bible, Jesus Christ commended the faithful offering of a widow:

“And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” (Luke 21:1-4, NKJV).

This isn’t to say God always expects us to give all of our money when we give offerings. He does expect us to use some of it to support ourselves and our families who depend on us.

The story of the widow is there to remind us that we should never be afraid to give if we feel called to—even if it’s at our expense. While this doesn’t guarantee that God will bless us with riches as a reward for our giving, we do have the promise that God will take care of us (Philippians 4:19).

We also get to enjoy the blessing of knowing we’ve created a positive transformation in the life of another person… and, in ourselves.

In the Adventist Church, those who give offerings can send their donations to any ministry of their choosing. In this way, offerings typically end up supporting local church expenses and outreach projects.

Like tithe, giving offerings helps us grow spiritually by teaching us to trust God and turn our attention to loving and caring for others.

And just as the Holy Spirit moved the Early Church to give offerings, we can likewise pray, asking the Holy Spirit to guide our giving.

We can learn to be cheerful givers in giving offerings by practicing the greatest commandments—loving God and loving our neighbor (Mark 12:28-34; 2 Corinthians 9:7).

Providing for ourselves and our loved ones

Another very good use of our money is using it to support ourselves and our loved ones.

And that’s probably the first thing that comes to mind when we get our paycheck, isn’t it?

We’re already thinking about how we can use it to pay for our electricity, our groceries, and new school clothes for our kids.

It’s a responsibility the Bible calls us to uphold after we give our tithe— and a very important one at that (1 Timothy 5:8; Deuteronomy 26:2).

After all, how can we be a part of God’s mission to love and reach others when we can’t even provide for ourselves or the people who count on us?

The Apostle Paul emphasized the importance of working to earn fair wages and support oneself, as he and so many of the early Christians did during their ministry:

“For you yourselves know how you ought to follow us, for we were not disorderly among you; nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, not because we do not have authority, but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9, NKJV).

In this way, Paul calls us to do what we can to support ourselves.

Christians aren’t called to take from others. They’re meant to be a source of giving, just like Jesus was (Acts 20:35).

Of course, there might be circumstances that make it difficult or impossible for people to support themselves. In cases such as these, asking for help from others is not something to be ashamed of. God’s church is meant to be a place where people can turn to for support.

For most people, our work begins by caring for the people who depend on us at home, such as providing for our children and taking care of our aging parents (Proverbs 13:22).

But we also use our money to buy essentials and pay off our debts (Matthew 6:31-33).


Another area where the Bible calls us to use our money is to use it in paying off debts.

After paying our tithes and providing for our families, it’s a good idea to prioritize paying off debts.

We’re all pretty familiar with debt in our world of credit cards, student loans, and house mortgages, but all too often people get in over their heads.

They rack up debts they can’t afford to pay back. Or they go without paying their debts for so long that it accumulates a mountain of interest.

That’s why it’s important to pay off our debts before they get out of hand.

But, beyond that, paying off our debts is an act of honesty and accountability (Romans 13:7; Psalm 37:21). It also has its practical purposes—namely, helping us escape the bondage of debt.

The Bible says:

“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7, NKJV).

It’s a good idea to avoid getting into debt in the first place when possible (Ecclesiastes 5:5). One great way to do this is by monitoring your finances so that when you buy something on credit, you know that you will be able to pay off your bill with no issue.

You might find that it’s even helpful to just buy something with cash or on your debit card instead of buying on credit.

Either way, responsible spending is the key principle.

Saving & investing

What do we do with the money we have left over after tithe, offerings, buying essentials, and paying off our debt?

We might think of spending money on the things we want and enjoy. And really, there’s nothing wrong with that. God doesn’t limit His people to basic needs; He also wants us to be able to enjoy the little things (1 Timothy 6:17).

The only problem is that buying the things we want can easily become a misplaced priority. Over-consumption can even tempt us to prioritize our wants over our needs or the needs of others.

So, even as we buy things we enjoy, it’s important to be moderate and mindful.

To use our money wisely, we can’t just think about the here and now. We have to think about preparing for the future. This is where saving and investing come in.

Saving is the choice to hold onto our money until we’ve accumulated enough to spend on something important.

In this way, saving money can help us afford a larger purchase without going into debt, helping us better care for ourselves and others in the future. It can also help us be prepared for emergencies.

The Bible puts it this way:

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?” (Luke 14:28-30, NKJV).


“Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.”(Proverbs 6: 6-8, NKJV).

Investing, on the other hand, is the choice to spend our money on something that will be worth more to us further down the road than the money we originally had.

This can be done by investing in land, our retirement, our children’s education, and so on.

In one parable, Jesus talks about investing money as He describes a master giving three servants different amounts of money to safeguard for Him (Matthew 25:14-27). The first two servants take their money and invest it, earning their master interest, while the last one only focuses on saving it. When the master asks the servants about the money, he is pleased with the first two but angry with the third who did not make the most of the money he was given.

All the principles we’ve covered so far apply just as much to us as they did to people in Bible times.

But will there be a time when God asks us to spend our money differently?

How should we use our money in the end times?

While we can prepare for other emergencies by saving up money, no amount of money will prepare us for the end times.

The only way we can prepare is by building a relationship with Jesus, so when the end comes we’ll be able to depend on Him for our every need (Luke 12:10-21,29-31;1 Timothy 6:17-19).

In general, the Bible warns against hoarding money. While we can save it, there can come a point where we’re so focused on saving and storing our money that it either goes to waste or we become fearful that it will be taken from us and obsessive about accruing it.

Jesus tells one parable about a rich man who hoarded all his money with the plans that he would one day use it (Luke 12:13-21). But the man dies before he is able. In other words, he was so focused on what he could do with the money in the future that he missed out on what he could have done with it in the present.

In the same way, there’ll come a time during the end times when our money will be useless to us. It won’t be worth anything and it won’t be able to buy us what we need (James 4:13-15).

This is likely why the Bible wants us to realize early on that money, though it is helpful to us now, is not something that will save us, nor is it something that even lasts.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21, NKJV).

This is why it’s important we pray for discernment in what to do with our money when the end times come. When we do this, the Holy Spirit will show us when and how to save and when and how to spend our money on something worthwhile.

We will likely be called to direct our money towards God’s purposes, supporting the spread of the Gospel while we still can, before the end arrives and our money loses its value (Luke 12:29-34).

Ultimately, reaching others with the life-saving truth of Jesus is the greatest use of our money, and the greatest investment we can ever make.

Making the most out of what we’re given

The Bible’s financial principles show us how we can best use our money. And, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can learn how to apply those principles to everyday decisions.

As you start out, it might be helpful for you to create a budget to be more mindful of how your money is being spent.

You can also pray for the Holy Spirit’s discernment in making decisions to best use your money.

In the end, that’s what being a good steward is all about.

Learn more about stewardship by reading,

  1. Deuteronomy 24:14-15; Matthew 20:1-16; Matthew 17: 24-27; John 12:3; Acts 4:34-35. []
  2. Rafferty, John P., “The Rise of the Machines: Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution,” Britannica. []
  3. Nichol, F.D. Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary And Bible Students’ Source Book Volume #, Seventh-day Adventist Church, . p.<>. []
  4. “4643.” Bible Hub. []
  5. Psalm 96:8; Acts 4:34-35; Exodus 35:21-29. []

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