What is the Leadership Structure of the Adventist Church?
The Leadership Structure of the Adventist Church The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a representative form of structure that connects its 90,000-plus congregations across the globe and gives its members a part in decision-making. Though the Church was incorporated in...
How Important is a “Day of Rest?”
How Important is a “Day of Rest?” Struggling to think straight? Wondering why you can’t remember that important tidbit you heard earlier today? Feeling like your emotions are about to explode? These are just some of the symptoms that can reveal your need for rest—that...
Who are Seventh-day Adventists?
What’s in a name?

How does one become a Seventh-day Adventist?
How does one become a Seventh-day Adventist? Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior To be a Seventh-day Adventist Christian means to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This means to recognize that Jesus alone can save you from sin and death (Savior), and to give Him...
How is Sabbath Celebrated?
Would you work for a boss who wouldn’t allow you to take breaks? Our Heavenly Father wants us to take a special break every week.